Pomlad je prišla v mesto / Spring Has Come to Town
Fotograf Nik Erik Neubauer se v seriji novih fotografij oddaljuje od tipičnih motivov, ki prikazujejo človeka v urbanem okolju, in se osredotoča na cvetoča drevesa po mestu. V njih vidi odmik od negativnih tem, ki so preplavile naš prostor v preteklem obdobju, in skoznje izraža svojo optimistično, skoraj iluzorno napoved za bližnjo prihodnost. Čudovita drevesa lahko opazimo v mestnih parkih, drevoredih, na dvoriščih in vrtovih, pa tudi za ograjami gradbišč, med trnjem ter ob vznožju prometnih vpadnic.
Pomlad je namreč prišla v mesto in nič je ne more zaustaviti.
In his new photo series, photographer Nik Erik Neubauer is moving away from the typical motifs depicting man in an urban environment and instead focusing on flowering trees around the city. He sees in them a departure from the negative themes that have flooded our space in the recent past, and through them he expresses his optimistic, almost illusory prediction for the near future. Beautiful trees can be seen in city parks, tree-lined avenues, courtyards and gardens, as well as behind construction site fences, among thorns and next to highways.
Spring has come to town and nothing can stop it.