Glass Atrium, Town Hall, Ljubljana (SI), 2023
Glass Atrium, Town Hall, Ljubljana (SI), 2023
Glass Atrium, Town Hall, Ljubljana (SI), 2023
National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Ljubljana (SI), 2023 FOTO: SARAH POŽENEL, MNSZS
The Rencontres d’Arles , The Photo-Text Book Award, Monoprix (FR), 2023
Kje je After? / Where’s the Afters?
Začelo se je z radovednostjo in željo po aktivnosti, nadaljevalo se je z entuziazmom in vztrajnostjo, končalo se je z olajšanjem in pomiritvijo.
V skoraj dveletnem obdobju sem fotografiral veliko ljudi, ki so se udeležili protestov. Z namenom, da bi dal glas tudi njim, sem poskušal pridobiti njihovo doživljanje protestov. Nekaj izmed teh pripovedi sem vključil v knjigo.
Neverjetna vztrajnost protestnikov, ki sem jo spremljal v tem obdobju, kaže na veliko željo po spremembi in drugačni prihodnosti. Morda je najbolj dragocena izkušnja, ki sem jo spoznal v teh dveh letih, ta, da ima posameznik, ki se poveže v širšo skupnost, moč in nenazadnje tudi odgovornost, da vpliva na svojo in skupno prihodnost. Aktivno udejstvovanje, ki pa se ne izkazuje nujno le s protestiranjem, je edina rešitev, da bomo skupaj živeli v prijaznem ali vsaj bolj razumevajočem okolju.
To je okolje, kjer nas večina ne bo stala na enem ali drugem robu prepada in kjer vmes ne bo zevala ogromna luknja otopelosti, tesnobe in sovraštva. To je prostor, kjer je mogoča iskrenost, razumevanje in kolegialnost.
Želim si, da bi protesti privedli do sprememb, ki nam bodo omogočile, da bomo živeli v prizanesljivejšem okolju, kjer, recimo, policija ne bo s solzivcem zaplinjala otroških igrišč. Sprašujem se, če smo se v tem obdobju res kaj naučili. Ali se bomo lahko prihodnjih kriz lotevali bolj razumno in človeško? Kaj sledi? Kje je after?
It started with curiosity and a desire to be active, continued with enthusiasm and perseverance, and ended with relief and reassurance.
Over almost two years, I have photographed many people participating in protests. To give them a voice, I have tried to gather their experience of the protests, and I have included some of their accounts in the book.
The incredible perseverance of the protesters I observed during this time shows a great desire for change and a different future. The most valuable lesson I have learned in these two years is that the individual who joins a broader community has the power and, ultimately, the responsibility to influence their own and the shared future. Active engagement, which doesn’t necessarily have to be only through protest, is the only solution to living together in a friendly or at least more understanding environment.
It’s an environment where most of us will not be on one or the other edge of a precipice and where there will not be a huge gaping hole of numbness, anxiety and hatred in between. It is a place where honesty, understanding and collegiality are possible.
I want the protests to lead to changes that will allow us to live in a more tolerant environment where the police do not tear gas children’s playgrounds. Have we learned anything in this period? Will we be able to deal with future crises sensibly and humanely? What next? Where’s the Afters?